Brush with Blues: The night Dan Aykroyd blew into town

While Chanhassen claims rock star Prince as often as it can, it has another connection with celebrity and the infamous Blues Brothers — yes, those Blues Brothers of Saturday Night Live fame. Well, at least one of them. It happened on an October night in 1993 at Pauly’s Bar.

On that night — no one remembers the exact date — comedian Dan Aykroyd, famous for being an original cast member of SNL, and perhaps more famous for his indelible portrayal of “Elwood Blues” of the 1970’s cult classic movie “The Blues Brothers,” came to Chanhassen’s Pauly’s Bar and jammed on stage with the Lamont Cranston Band. And there is photographic evidence to back it up.

Posted: Saturday, March 21, 2015 9:45 am
By Unsie Zuege - Southwest News Media full article